Feature: Rami Malek, Catching Mercury



LOS ANGELES — This story was supposed to begin differently, but Rami Malek stole my line.

After spending more than an hour chatting with him on the Fox Studios lot here, I had to ask why he had been so jumpy at the interview’s outset. He had twitched, hugged himself, crossed and uncrossed his legs, scratched his arms and jiggled at a terrific frequency that suggested advanced jitters or vast amounts of caffeine. What had all that been about?

Mr. Malek replied that his nervous energy was par for the course, that it once caused someone to ask, “Is Rami O.K.?” “I have my flourishes,” he continued, then threw me a sly grin. “Rami Malek couldn’t sit still,” he said, in an exaggeratedly stentorian voice. The line wouldn’t have been the greatest way in to this tale, but it would have done, especially since he proved extremely reluctant to dish about himself during the course of our talk.

Attempts were definitely made. Was Mr. Malek, who was raised Coptic and went to Catholic school, still religious? “That’s such a personal issue,” he deflected. How does he decompress during production of “Mr. Robot,” in which he plays the paranoid protagonist Elliot Alderson? “It’s so personal!” Mr. Malek, who is 37, exclaimed, revealing only that he unwound in his “own private way.”

Finally, he offered a scintilla of self-disclosure. Mr. Malek’s pre-existing predilection toward privacy had been strongly reinforced, he said, by his performance as Freddie Mercury, the bombastic and brazenly carnal frontman of the rock group Queen, who died of AIDS-related pneumonia in 1991, and whom Mr. Malek plays in “Bohemian Rhapsody,” which is to be released Nov. 2. “It’s nice to be able to own privacy, some bit of anonymity,” Mr. Malek said. “That’s a Freddie thing.” [More at Source]

Feature: Rami Malek for Shortlist



Rami Malek, as your mum might say, is being a brave soldier.

We’re in an artist’s loft studio in some bit of New York you’re unlikely to ever visit. It is an airless 89 degrees Fahrenheit, yet Malek entered this fiery hell box wearing a jumper and shirt. He’s ill. So ill that he’s cancelled an interview, a talk-show appearance, and was yesterday sent home from work. However, aware of how far we’ve come to see him, he’s turned up for our shoot. What a guy!

If you don’t know who Malek is, you’ll likely know his face. It’s on his head, at the front, like most faces, but it’s one of the most distinctive in this world we call Acting. Gaunt, grey and wide-eyed, it’s been front and centre of every billboard, trailer, online banner ad, every Amazon Prime Video homepage, promoting his hugely successful show, Mr Robot.

When we meet, Malek, whose name rhymes with Barmy Dalek rather than Jammy Phallic (my rhymes, not his), is shooting the show’s fourth season. His role as mentally ill drug addict Elliot requires affecting a particularly cadaverous junkie chic, topped with a haircut best described as a non-committal Mohican. Today, though, he looks particularly frail, giving a more literal meaning to the word ‘ashen’: pallor aside, it feels as if a puff of wind would scatter his slight frame across the room like a long-extinguished pyre.

Luckily for him, and nobody else here, the only breeze in this furnace of a room comes from the disappointing wheeze of a tall, sluggish antique industrial fan and an asthmatic air-con unit.

“Nice T-shirt,” says Malek, with a smile.

The T-shirt is my grey Queen ‘Japan ’76 tour’ replica. Our four eyes are locked on the main man, Freddie Mercury, who Malek will play in Bryan Singer’s upcoming Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody.

I explain that he was one of my childhood heroes, and Malek’s smile becomes a little more sheepish.

“I’m beginning to discover that he was a lot of people’s hero,” he says.

I feel bad. It was meant as an ice-breaker; now I’ve taken a man whose internal major organs have apparently taken a dislike to him, and strapped to his back the weight of a million unrealistic expectations. More on that later.

If you haven’t seen Mr Robot, no one will judge you. In the minestrone of mediocrity that is streamable content, finding a perfectly cooked noodle is tough. Mr Robot is, however, al dente.

Set in New York, it sees a ‘hacktivist’ group called fsociety go to war on big evil conglomerate E Corp: a world-domineering company with fingers in every daily-life pie. While fsociety eventually succeeds in its goal, it struggles to cauterise the wound inflicted by pulling the plug on a nation’s infrastructure. [Read More]

Coverage: Rami Malek for Dior Homme


Hey everyone,

Earlier this year, Rami was announced as one of the faces for the new Dior Homme campaign. I posted the photos on twitter but I didn’t know exactly where to categories them but finally figured it out. I also updated the gallery with photos of Rami attending the Dior Homme photocall in Paris Fashion Week.


Miscellaneous – Advertisements & CampaignsDior HommePrint Ads
Miscellaneous – Advertisements & CampaignsDior HommeMovie Screencaptures
Photo Sessions – 2017Set 004
Public Appearances – 201724 June – Dior Homme Photocall – Paris Fashion Week

Gallery Update: TIFF 2016 Portraits


I’ve updated the gallery with the newly released portraits of Rami during the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival.


2016 – Set 031
2016 – Set 032

Feature: Rami Malek is Still Not Sure About this Acting Thing



With his mesmeric energy and intense eyes, Rami Malek is a unique screen star. He appeared in small but distinctive parts in films like The Master and prestige TV like the miniseries “The Pacific” — where even producer Steven Spielberg took note of his magnetism — before USA’s “Mr. Robot” made the most of an unusual talent. On the show, for which he was nominated for a Golden Globe, Malek plays the troubled hacker Elliot Alderson, whose air of mystery suits Malek perfectly. For the Royals portfolio, we paired him with Kit Harington, another largely unknown star who burst into stardom on HBO’s “Game of Thrones.” [Source]

Photos: Elle US Scans + Photoshoot


I’ve updated the gallery with photos & digital scans of Rami’s feature with model Cora Emmanuel in the September issue of Elle US.


Digital Scans – 201609 Elle US 
2016 – Set 026

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